Friday, January 2, 2009

Well, I'm technically a day late with this, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

New Year's Eve came and went. I didn't get my kiss, and I was feeling really crappy the whole night. So much for a great start to the new year. But as the first day of 2009 continued, I realized that it's actually not that bad. I got a call explaining that a phone had died, but that plans were still on for today. Score! Very laid back time just playing Guitar Hero and Katamari. Yay for me. :]

So now I guess I'll just go ahead and do my good and bad of 2008, and my resolutions.

The Good:
- I did a kickass job as Head Sound Tech again this semester for Dearly Departed.
- I got accepted to 2 of my top 3 colleges already.
- Alabama had an undefeated regular season. :D
- Spent 3 weeks with my awesome uncles up in Philly over the summer. Kinda learned what it's really like to live on your own.
- Found a job that I really like.
- Learned to surf. :]
- Entered (and showed!) in my first film festival!
- I got to see the Tortuga Twins 6 times!
- Got to go to 2 different Medieval Times!
- Got a free drink from a lesbian bartender. (haha, you just had to be there.)
- Got my belly button pierced.
- Drove a car probably worth more than our house.

The Bad:

- My first summer of no Camp Chatuga. :[
- Having to accept the fact that I probably won't get to go to Western for at least a year.
- Getting stood up for prom.
- Having to put up with irritating kids every day (a.k.a my art class)
- Having my car break down... twice.

2009 Resolutions:
- Stop biting my nails before college.
- Stop saying "I'm sorry" as much.
- Not worrying about what people think.
- Get A's/B's all year.

Happy 2009 everyone.

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