Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do I even want to go back and see how long it's been since I've posted anything... negative.

Damn. I had to.

Let's see. SO much has gone on since August, I could be typing for days. But I'll try to come up with a condensed version. The film festival was a complete smash. I ended up being one of only 3 people that actually stuck it out the whole way, plus I was the only girl. HA! I got rave reviews from some people in high places. Go me. :]

My final year of high school has started up. Yep, I'm a senior now. I've got a really easy senior year class-wise. Film lit, art 1, drama, and gov./econ. It's been going pretty smoothly. I love all my teachers, and my fellow students... ahh, not so much. My art class is the reason I hate most underclassmen. Our football team is actually doing great this year, a 6-1 record. We've got 3 of the hardest teams in our area for our last 3 games, and who knows? We actually have a chance of winning this year.
As for the play, it's coming along great. Both our casts and crews are doing a great job and I can't wait to finally debut it later in November. I'm back at my sound board this year (heck yes!), so I get the privilage to watch the show every night. I suggest everyone who knows me, come.

Still no luck in the job department. I thought I had a position at Hot Topic, but nope! I haven't gotten a single returned phone call. One day this weekend I think I'm gonna head back to the mall and check up on 'em.

Nightmare on 9 has really been my main focus since about mid-September. It was really my baby this year, because I was put in charge of coming up with the story and the theme. LOTS OF STRESS. Tomorrow night will be our second weekend open, and hopefully it'll be a lot better than last weekend (Friday was Homecoming, this Friday, they're expecting 1,500 people to go to our home game). It's been hard to tell how we're doing though, because our groups have been so varied. Mostly it's been people coming to critisize it who'd been there previous years, or young couples coming to critisize just to be cute. UGH! Yes, I know that we're not very big or very good! We give all our money to charity and everyone volunteers! We're not HHN, okay?!

Another HUGE thing is that the CAROLINA RENAISSANCE FAIRE is back!! It had been wayyyyy too long since the last time I got to see the whole reason I go... The Tortuga Twins! They're pretty much the main celeberties of the ren fest world, and I've been a fan ever since this time last year. So far, I've gotten to see them once at the Georgia Renaissance Faire, and twice at Carolina. I'm hoping to get back there this weekend, and possibly next weekend as well. I just wish that I could get back there every weekend, but with me not having a job right now, my mom doesn't want to keep giving me $20 and gas money. If you get the chance, try to head up there and see them.

That's about all I can think up as of now. We've got another pep rally tomorrow, and I get to go play guide at NO9. Keeping my fingers crossed to get to go to CRF with Cee on Saturday or Sunday!


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